Back to work...

I just got a job. Oh yes, it's hard, been having separation anxiety attack at times.
Been seeing myself teary-eyed as I hear my baby cries or call "Mama/Mommy" whenever I leave him in the care of his wowo and wowa. I can't help  not to look back; been wanting to run back to him and hug him for the nth time before I go to work, but it will just worsen the pain.
But I have to...I want to...go to work.

I realized that I have to grow also as a person. Said my baby's pedia, "Mommy, let go of your baby. Let him learn to depend on others and not on you alone. He might grow weak."Yes, she's right, so I did heed her advice. I don't want my baby to grow-up depending on me only. I want him to grow-up strong and independent and realize that there are other people around him who could help him and not only me. The adjustment period wasn't easy but I know it will all be worth it.

I've been missing a lot of my son's developmental milestones and new tricks:

1. He has learned how to kiss.
2. He now uses his feet in tapping his ipad instead of his hands, oh my!

3. He knows the ins and outs of ipad, how to open and close an application, how to play a game, how to disarrange the application icons, omg! I was just shocked one day looking for my mail and couldn't find the icon, and discovered that everything on it was disarranged by my son, and my parents also doesn't know how my 14-month old son had done it.
4. He now knows how to say "wowa"
5. He can already jump out of his crib/playpen
6. Been saying the last syllables of the words such as "ter" for water, "pad" for ipad, etc.
7. Been saying some full words in Tagalog, oh I was talking to him in English, but his wowo and wowa talk to him in our native language, so I got surprised when I hear him say "labas", "baba", and "sama"

8. He can go and down the couch and bed.
9. Yes, he's now walking alone and does not stumble.
10. He is now a very good imitator. He knows how to cough, how to tickle himself, how to act swimming, how to stretch in exercise, and a lot more. What's funny is, he knows when to show his tricks, especially in front of my in-laws that's why they are so fond of him.

I feel sad somehow that I was not there the first time he did those things, but at the same time, I am happy and proud whenever my parents tell me what my son has been doing.

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