Gifted or Simply Bright

Words:At 14-17 months:
My son could say a lot of words. He does not
simply repeat the words but points at the object he was referring to.

Noun - tree, flower, key, light, milk, water, moon, star, heart, wowo, mommy, daddy, ball, balloon, car, pen, rice
Verb - up (for stand-up), down/baba, open, sleep, swim, get, hug

At 18 months:
My son completes "A is for ___". Apple.

Between 18 - 20 months:
A is for Apple
B is for Ball
C is for Cat
D is for Dog
E is for Elephant
F is for Fish
G is for Guitar
H is for Hat
I is for Ice cream
J is for Jollibee
K is for Kite/Key

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