My baby turns 1...

Oh, time flies so fast! Been noticing changes in my baby, indications that he is indeed a toddler.

1. I no longer need to rock him to sleep. Thank God, because he's almost 12 kilos at the age of 1, too heavy for me to carry said my doctor. Good thing he can now sleep on his own, but I should be beside him because he likes to hold my hand as he sleeps. So sweet! I still sing to him a song before he sleep, it's 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star', but now, he sings/hums with me until he fall asleep.

2. He is no longer allergic to chocolates. Yes, at last, he can now digest chocolates, hehe! No more skin rash whenever he eats food with chocolate content, he can now also drink Chuckie. Still, no to nuts, egg, and lemon square cupcake. And ooops, I've learned a new food allergen...Potchi candy, why oh why?

3. He is near to walking. He loves walking, though he still could not do it on his own, with the help of a walking sling, he keeps on walking. But he's been able to make few steps, however, the problem is, he doesn't want to be held or assisted whenever he walks, as if he's an expert, and he doesn't care, he turns around if he wants to, he picks up something like an independent boy...but he just thought he can, at times he still lose his balance and here I am, the over-protective mom won't let him slip-off the floor that's why they said my little boy walks fearlessly because he'd never experience to fall on the ground.

4. He wants to do it on his own. He grabs the biscuit whenever I attempt to put it directly to his mouth, he wants to be the one to hold his food, his juice container, and even his spoon. Seems like he'll be independent too soon.

5. He doesn't want to be put down in his playpen or stroller. Oh, been running out of tricks on how can I put him in his playpen or stroller even just for a short period of time so I can do my chores.

6. He's got new tricks in refusing to take his vitamins. Ever since he was little, he doesn't want to take his vitamins or medicines, and I've been having a very hard time giving him a dose of any of it. Before, he will just turn his head away or close his mouth, now, he runs away by cruising around his playpen, and worse, he spits it out. He's got lots of tricks and I am indeed having a hard time giving him his medicines and I am already running out of ideas...

7. He likes playing with water. Before, he doesn't care if I take him out of his bath tub when I'm done bathing him, but now, even if I let him play with water for a few minutes, when I take him out of the bath room, he cries.

8. He loves to learn. Inside our room, there's an alhabet and numbers posters. Whenever I sing the 'Alphabet song' to him, he'll just look at the poster, but now, he wants to go near the poster and point at the letters on it while I sing. And, whenever he sees letters anywhere, he says 'e'.

9. He loves dancing and singing. Whatever kind of song he hears especially those upbeat, he dances. When he hears the 'Showtime' song, he raises his both arms while dancing. Before, we used to play the 'Brahm's Lullaby' song so he could be set to sleep, but now, instead of sleeping, he is more awakened because he dances in the tune of a lullaby song, funny! Then, when he likes the song played on tv especially in tv commercials, he sings, though no words yet, he sings as if he's screaming, haha! I really enjoy taking videos of him.

10. Hello tantrums. Yes, at 1, my baby is already having tantrums. Whatever he wants, he wants, and he should get, if not, be prepared, brace yourself...he cries, he stomps his feet, he bends himself backward so he could get lost from my hold, he slaps my face, and more and more. I wasn't ready for this, why, because I asked all my babysitters before, my aunts and uncles, and my grandma, and they have never experienced such while taking care of me, so, from whom did my son acquire such attitude...from my husband.

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