
I will be selling my blackberry phones for an IPAD, whew! Yeah, I thought I cannot give up my Blackberry Curve 8900 and Blackberry Storm 9500, but when I saw the IPAD, without hesitation I know I can let go. Another reason is, I am back here in the Philippines where I’m sure that my gadgets won’t be safe and neither I. Whenever I bring with me my phone and then ride a public vehicle, I feel so ‘praning’ thinking that the person behind me or beside me might be a hold-upper or snatcher. Yeah, I know it’s not right to think bad about your neighbor, but let’s face it, that’s reality, and I’m here in my own country. I am no longer living in Dubai where no one cares even if you wave your expensive phone up high, or leave it just beside you while busy doing other things.
Goodbye to my pre-loved Blackberry phones.
Blackberry Curve 8900 and Blackberry Storm 9500

Blackberry Curve 8900 with complete accessories

Blackberry Storm 9500 with complete accessories

Inside a Mother's Heart...

I started to feel my baby’s movement inside my womb at 16 weeks; it just felt like a worm inside tickling me. But now, on my 25th week, gosh, my baby kicks hard that sometimes it feels as if he’s playing volleyball inside that every time he throws the ball, it hits my tummy. It doesn’t hurt yet, but for the past three days, been having sleepless nights because he is now awake at around 2:00 am that I need to get up and eat to pacify him.
Every morning, I listen to classical music of Mozart because they said it can stimulate my baby’s brain as early as now. Then, I read Bible stories to my baby, and since he can already hear my voice, he keeps on moving until I finish reading. I keep track of my body weight and waistline size to see how my baby is growing, and feels so happy whenever there’s an increase in pounds and inches. But of course, I have to watch what I eat; it should be a healthy gain for me, so I just keep on eating fruits, yoghurt, rice, and cutback on sweets.
As a soon-to-be-mom, worries and fears hit me sometimes. Will my baby come out healthy and normal? Can I deliver him normally or do I need to undergo caesarian section? I can’t help not to think of those until the final moment but at the same time I just put my trust on God who has control everything. During this time that I know I can’t do anything, I believe that only God can do something.
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