Guillain-Barre Syndrome

I have no background in Medicine but since I was misdiagnosed of Amoebiasis for what was supposedly Hyperacidity only when I was in Dubai, my curiosity on medical stuff began.

"Guillain-Barre (ghee-YA-buh-RAY) syndrome is a disorder in which your body's immune system attacks your nerves. This disorder was a stranger to me until my dad was hit by this disease, and our lives had changed." (definition and picture below were taken from

Guillain-Barre syndrome destroys the protective covering of the peripheral nerves (myelin sheath), preventing the nerves from transmitting signals to the brain.-
 Late 2012, around October or November, he began complaining about the tingling sensation in his hands, sometimes feeling stiff. We thought it was just a simple arthritis. On January 31, he felt pain on his back and was so weak, so my parents went to the nearest clinic. He was even referred to a Cardiologist but he was okay except for a mild Urinary Tract Infection and an elevated SGPT level.
The following day, February 1, 2013, my dad started vomitting, complaining headache. Anything he takes in, he vomits. He did not want to be brought to the hospital. I told my mom to call me immediately even in the middle of the night if the vommitting persists. Saturday morning, February 2, 2013, I received a text message for my mom saying that they would bring my dad to the hospital cause he never stopped vomitting the whole night.

My dad was admitted in Philippine General Hospital at 11pm of February 3, 2013, Sunday. "They rarely admit patients on weekend except you are showering in your own blood", said my tita. His former Gastro-Enterologist attended him the following morning, Monday. My dad has a history of ulcerative colitis that's why we requested for his GI to check on him. However, the doctor said that his symptoms of body pain, back pain is extra-colonic. 

Series of Tests
My dad has nodule in his thyroid, so the doctor asked for an ultrasound of his thyroid, as well as his kidneys. The results were okay. They my dad started complaining of his spine so painful, so Tuesday, he had an X-ray examination of his spine. But that same day, while brushing his teeth, his faced was deformed, as if he's having a mild stroke. His GI immediately referred him to a Neurologist, then requested for a CT Scan. 

His CT Scan result was normal, his face deformity was not due to stroke but something else. Wednesday, I signed a consent for a lumbar puncture/spinal tap to be done to my dad, wherein a fluid will be collected from his spine to check for possible brain infection. The test was done on Thursday morning as his nasal congestion had to  be treated first because after the test, he needs to lie down flat for 4 hours. Friday morning, my mom called me asking me to come to the hospital ASAP.

I was advised that my dad has an autoimmune disease called Guillain-Barre Syndrome. It was my first time to hear that kind of disorder. He needs to undergo a treatment, either Plasmapheresis (Therapeutic Plasma Exchange) or Intravenous Immunoglobulin, and it needs to be done as soon as possible as his disorder is progressive. He could no longer smile, walk, sip water with close lips (my mom has to close his lips), and even close his eyes fully. We chose Plasmapheresis, as it is cheaper than IVIG. He needs to undergo 5 sessions of Plasmapheresis, each session costing 50,000 pesos. The procedure was then started the following day, Saturday morning.

Plasmapheresis 1st Session:
A significant effect was immediately noticed right after his firs plasmapheresis. He can now drink water on his own without my mom needing to close his lips. He can also raise his hands to scratch his head.

Plasmapheresis 2nd Session:
The pain on his back was relieved but his limbs got very weak, he could no longer walk.

Plasmapheresis 3rd Session:
He could laugh but he looks like he just underwent botox treatment.

Plasmapheresis 4th Session:
He could walk now with the help of a walking aid. He's eating more now.

Plasmapheresis 5th Session:
He could sit longer. Could walk but still with the walking aid.

He's currently undergoing physical therapy to hopefully bring back his old strength.

Good thing, my dad was brought to one of the best hospitals in the country. Contrary to my 'not so good' experience in the hospital when I gave birth last January 2011, the nurses who took care of my dad were very accommodating and kind. His doctors were great, 'best of the bests' in their field.

1 comment:

  1. HI MAam, good morning.

    How's your Dad now?

    My brother was diagnosed with the same illness now and was referred also to PGH.

    Please let me know your experiences especially on how you handle the sitiation.

    Please keep in touch, here's my number 0923-5620737.
    Thank you & hope to receive feedbacks from you.

    God bless.


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