Oh, time flies so fast! Been noticing changes in my baby, indications that he is indeed a toddler.
1. I no longer need to rock him to sleep. Thank God, because he's almost 12 kilos at the age of 1, too heavy for me to carry said my doctor. Good thing he can now sleep on his own, but I should be beside him because he likes to hold my hand as he sleeps. So sweet! I still sing to him a song before he sleep, it's 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star', but now, he sings/hums with me until he fall asleep.
2. He is no longer allergic to chocolates. Yes, at last, he can now digest chocolates, hehe! No more skin rash whenever he eats food with chocolate content, he can now also drink Chuckie. Still, no to nuts, egg, and lemon square cupcake. And ooops, I've learned a new food allergen...Potchi candy, why oh why?
3. He is near to walking. He loves walking, though he still could not do it on his own, with the help of a walking sling, he keeps on walking. But he's been able to make few steps, however, the problem is, he doesn't want to be held or assisted whenever he walks, as if he's an expert, and he doesn't care, he turns around if he wants to, he picks up something like an independent boy...but he just thought he can, at times he still lose his balance and here I am, the over-protective mom won't let him slip-off the floor that's why they said my little boy walks fearlessly because he'd never experience to fall on the ground.